Why Do Businesses Need Multi Accounts Feature In Instagram?

The Multi Accounts feature in Instagram app version 7.15 is quite beneficial for marketing and client service. It allows creating multiple sub-accounts for business purpose. And it is easy to create and switch between those accounts.

Look at the benefits of sub-accounts

Multiple accounts are helpful, if you target diverse regions and want to available to your clients 24×7. You can create a sub-account for each region and use the accounts to target clients with content in regional language.

Having multiple accounts will be beneficial, if you offer different services or products. For example, you could be a fashion blogger and a foodie. In this situation, targeting all the clients with one account will be difficult because those interested in fashion might not be interested in food and vice versa. But having dedicated accounts for fashion and food will help in keeping your clients engaged and entertained.

Multiple accounts would help even if your user base is uniform. Here dedicating an account for a specific task like upcoming events, products related info and advertised jobs would help in strengthening your user base.

Let’s see how you can create your own sub-accounts.

Create sub-accounts:

Instagram allows up to 5 accounts on one device and users are advised to use different emails ids or phone numbers for sub-accounts.

Add sub-accounts:

The add button is available in the Hamburger icon in Instagram app. Tap on the Setting gear on the icon to open the scroll down menu. Find the Add Account option on the bottom and go on adding your sub-accounts with names and passwords.

Switching between sub-accounts:

Access your profile on your device and click on your username to find your sub-accounts. Select the account you want to use by clicking on that account.

Deleting sub-accounts:

Access your account from a desktop and navigate to “Delete Your Account” tab to remove the account you don’t require. But you should know that deleted account can’t be recovered. You should try “temporary disable” option instead of deleting an account permanently.

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