As global mobile video traffic intensifies every year, the video market has been booming, resulting in social media platforms seeking ways to capitalize on this trend. Instagram took initiative on this virtue with their implementation of Instagram’s IGTV, which allows for long-form videos within the normal platform.

IGTV are uniquely positioned, as they support vertical videos allowing viewers to naturally enjoy videos on their mobile devices. Most long-form videos on social media required viewers to rotate their phones but IGTV broke this mold allowing an easier watching experience. 

To monetize the IGTV gains, Instagram came up with an internal prototype for a partner program in February 2020 aiming to allow influencers to make profit from IGTV ads. 

Why IGTV ads?

The biggest reason behind Instagram pushing IGTV for marketing is to encourage top content creators to start using this application. Other long-form video platforms such as YouTube allow for advertisements, and Instagram believes that top influencers will bring their communities to IGTV. Instagram believes that it will boost user engagement and in turn it  will provide more marketing opportunities for the app. Although they are offering IGTV ads, they have adopted a very strict criteria for who will participate. 

What brands should know about IGTV ads?

IGTV has the most impressive numbers in terms of viewers and views, providing evidence as to why IGTV ads matter most to brands.

The road ahead

Brands and influencers have to come together to work on a business relationship that is mutually beneficial for both of them. But the ongoing pressure will remain on the influencers that must create engaging vertical videos while following the IGTV guidelines. 

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