What Are The Important Factors In Social Media Monitoring? 

Social networks are overflowing with user activity. If your brand isn’t keeping up with what’s going on in the platform, you’ll be lagging behind your competitors. Furthermore, it is important to note that your reach on social networks are not limited to the simple creation and publication of content. In addition to that, you also need to keep up to date with new trends every day, hour and minute⏳. To do this well, you must monitor the quality of the reception of your content by consumers and know how to differentiate yourself from your competitors on the numerous social networks.

All of this is possible by integrating social media monitoring, also known as social listening, into your overall marketing plan. Social media monitoring is the process of tracking relevant conversations on social media surrounding your brand, industry, product category, etc. In other words, it’s the search for social content that mentions your brand or product #️⃣.

For example, you should monitor every tweet, comment, post, and share that mentions your business or brand name. This will allow you to spot trends and give you enough time to react and strengthen your presence in the influencer marketing market. If you don’t proactively control this content, you will reduce your influencer outreach, which can tarnish your brand in seconds.

There are a few factors that you should take into account when monitoring your reputation online.👇🏽

  1. Brand mention #️⃣

You should keep track of posts that mention your brand, even those without the @ or # functions. Every piece of content that is in any way related to your brand should catch your attention 👀. You should even consider spelling mistakes and product names related to your brand as brand mentions. This will give you insights into the way people talk about your brand and give you time to plan your best influencer marketing strategy.

  1. Customer questions 🙋🏻‍♀️❓

Customers have become demanding and want brands to respond to their requests as quickly as possible. A slight delay in response can result in negative reviews and consumers shifting their loyalty to competing brands. The habit of delaying responses could damage your reputation.

  1. Competition 🤜🏼🤛🏼

This is the analysis of competitors. You need to know who they are and how they behave on social media. Examine their product ideas, marketing tactics, and customer feedback and understand their strategy. In accordance with your findings, change your strategy by replicating their successful marketing tactics and avoiding their mistakes. A good idea is to use soft speech through brand advocates and influencers to reach dissatisfied customers of your competition with competitive prices and better deals.

  1. Customer sentiments 💭

A high volume of negative comments and feedback would mean that a crisis is brewing and urgent attention is needed to strengthen your brand image. For example, you can find Instagram influencers to boost your brand image and make it more popular and attractive on social media.

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