Since its inception, the Sanctuary astrology app has steadily grown its user base and now has 1.4 million Instagram followers 📈. One of the reasons it gained such traction is that millennials love astrology content. This increasing trend has caught the attention of many big brands such as Google & Spotify, who have partnered with the app to create unique branded astrology content. Working with well known brands like these has given Sanctuary more legitimacy and helped them stand out as being the brand for astrology memes.
Brand partnerships have become part of the company’s overall marketing strategy, which primarily focuses on organic content rather than paid ad placements. By selectively partnering with brands and clients whose audiences (at least partially) overlap with theirs, Sanctuary is able to widen the reach of both brands. In total, Sanctuary collaborated on 20 branded partnerships this year, resulting in growth of 140% compared to the previous year. The content and its respective posting strategy are tailored to maximize campaign reach to leverage the growth of both channels. Subscribers pay for personalized astrology readings📖, and the cost varies depending on the length of the reading.
To sum it up, given that astrology content is on fire 🔥 with Gen Z consumers and highly shareable, partnering with Sanctuary is a beneficial move for any brand wishing to target millennials. It ensures that they will be able to enter a space that attracts a lot of regular users 👀 and that has less branded clutter.